
Why the Emergency Document Organizer (EDO)?

We travel frequently and while preparing for one of our business trips, the thought crossed my mind: What if we don’t return? What will our children do? How will they survive?

Who would assist the children? Our dear neighbors and friends, but where would they find our Will, insurance documents etc. Some of our documents were in a Filing Cabinet, others in different drawers and binders. How long would it take to find the relevant information?

Despite my efforts to show family members where to find the information or documents, they were not interested and did not want me to raise this sensitive subject.

In 2007, I decided to develop my own Emergency Document Organizer fan emergency situation arose, as I was the Administrator in our household. I needed peace of mind and realized the product would provide the same to many others, whether due to the untimely death or illness of a loved one or in an emergency situation like a tornado, hurricane, flood, evacuation etc.

My family members now know where to locate all our important documents.

What problem does the EDO solve?

We are currently experiencing all kinds of emergency situations e.g. fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes etc. This results in hasty evacuations for everyone involved.

What do I take with when I have to evacuate in a hurry? How do I select from my possessions when I only have minutes to decide?

When a loved one is hospitalized or there is a loss in the family, the remaining family members are left with all the responsibility and often do not know where important documents are. Especially if the remaining loved one is not the Administrator in the family.

Disorganization: Almost everyone stores their important papers and documents in different drawers, file cabinets or stacked in different parts of the house and do not know exactly where a specific document is when required.

When moving, which documents should go with the movers, which documents should be taken personally?